Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011: New Year, New Complaints

So it is now time for the long awaited return of my blog! I apologize for forcing you all to go a month without having something of mine to read, but what can I say, I'm a busy guy. Especially when I'm not in school. Why would I bother writing a new post if there isn't something to procrastinate? 

So anyway I figured I'd start off with telling you a little something about how I predict my semester is going to go. It's going to be... interesting? I don't feel like boring you guys with most of my thoughts, like Geography's boring, Philosophy is boring, and History is boring. Instead I'll tell you about a strange thing that happened to me in Creative Writing.

Last week was my first Creative Writing class of this semester, I took one in first year and enjoyed it so I figured I'd like this one. I really do enjoy writing, it's one of my favourite pastimes especially when it's creative. So I went to my class in a pretty good mood, but I don't know if it was the loud students, the get-to-know-you games, or the young hip teacher, but I felt out of place. The first thing I thought when I sat down was "I'm too old for this class." Granted it is a first year class, but I'm only a second-year. What did it was the other students, who a lot of them were in fact older than me but acted like high school kids. They made inappropriate jokes, they talked unnecessarily loud, and giggled at everything that was said. I just sat there with no smile on my face and judged them very harshly. 

I realized during the get-to-know-you segment that many of these kids were fine-arts students... Bingo! That's why they act like idiots. These are the people that despite all their failures will never give up on their dreams of being a successful artist/writer/actor/whatever else you can do with a fine-arts degree. I loathe these people and their carefree attitudes. I loathe their skinny jeans, their pop-culture references, and how they draw on the chalkboard. They don't draw anything important, or even anything with a point, but apparently it's funny. I hate them so much. And so far, only one or two of them have actually written something that has impressed me. Most of them, at least the guys, try so damn hard to be funny that their plot, characters, and story fall flat. 

Writing this post now I just feel so old. I feel like this university has aged me. That whenever I'm in class, or working on homework, my world stops, but the real world just passes me by. This is me: But I always thought that as soon as I get through the end of a semester I'd go back to being my regular care-free, happy-go-lucky self. But now I realize I don't fully bounce back. That even though I am certainly happier and less stressed now than I was a couple months ago, I've aged, more than I ever realized. 

Either way, these kids need to grow up.